Check out Marianne Cufone’s (Growing LA) update on Saturday’s volunteer effort to spruce-up the patch of land in uptown New Orleans that will soon become the site of a thriving recirculating farm! And you’ll never believe what “treasure” they found among the trash! Great work guys:

By Marianne Cufone (from Recirculating Farm Coalition website)
Wow – (Saturday) was amazing! We had 28 people come out on a beautiful weekend morning in New Orleans, Louisiana to help us clean up the future site of our food and farm center, Growing Local NOLA. Working with New Orleans Food and Farm Network and NOLA Trash mob – we collected 14 bags of trash, 8 bags of recycling, 11 tires and a wide array of very unique objects – pulled from dirt piles and around the lot.
Our contest for most interesting item was won with an almost entirely intact clarinet – each of the 3 pieces were found separately!

Runners up included a “treasure box”, a whisk, 2 matching boots, remnants of an electric beater, a carpet, a pedicure set, and a 1979 Zulu doubloon (for those of you unfamiliar with Mardi Gras terminology – this is a colorful wooden or metal coin each “Krewe” makes to commemorate their annual participation in Carnival).
Winner of the largest piece of trash went to Jordan Bantuelle of the Urban Farmstead – he found a giant (and we mean GIANT) realtor sign. Debra Surtain, master gardener, also won a prize for helping to recruit the most people for the event.
We had an abundance of healthy snacks to fuel our cleanup team – fresh fruits, granola bars and yogurt, along with plenty of beverages to keep everyone hydrated – all natural orange and apple juices and LOTS of cold water.
Many thanks to everyone who participated – we are so grateful for your support!