See below — such a great report from Sulphur Daily News reporter Heather Regan White, who just completed the 12 week KISS weight loss program targeting women in various South West Louisiana communities! We know the workouts were hard, the diet strict — but she stuck with it and earned more than a few bragging rights. Congratulations, Ms. White! Now, keep it going, keep it simple…

By Heather Regan White
This week concludes the KISS fitness program that began 12 weeks ago. I’m extremely sad to see it go, not because of what I’ve lost, but because of what I have gained.
I’m not going to launch a modeling career, nor can I get back into my high school jeans. But I feel so good. I feel stronger. And happier. And I can sleep at night.
Beyond the physical benefits are the women I’ve been honored to meet.
The very fact that many of them are even able to show up is such an inspiration. For those of you convinced that every overweight person is that way simply because they are weak and lazy, some of these women would provide such an eye opener. One sister gained more than 30 pounds from breast cancer treatment.
Another of my sisters works one eight hour shift, has a one hour break and drives straight to her next eight hour shift. Another friend is the sole care provider for her infirm mother. The list goes on. These are women of little financial means with loads of worries just trying to make it in this world. But they showed up and they gave it their all.
My wish for all of us sisters is that we remember what we’ve learned and keep a little shrine to this experience in our hearts that we can visit when the world is bringing us down.
For all of you sisters out there who have yet to embark on this journey for yourself, there are some things I want you to know.
The only way to move forward is to stop looking back. The past is literally weighing you down. Be in the present and, cliché as this may be, take one day at a time.
Start small. If you decide to go all iron man straight out the gate, you are setting yourself up for failure.
An easy way to get moving is to turn on some music and dance. And if you can’t stand for long periods of time, do it in a chair. There are opportunities to get moving all around you. You don’t need a gym or a trainer or your own track. Not much floor space? Do pushups on the wall. I hate to sound preachy but I would never say any of this if I didn’t know the little excuses we make for ourselves to get out of doing what we know is right.
If those around you aren’t on your team get new teammates. This is ultimately about you. If friends and family don’t understand and support this, then it’s time to seek new counsel. These transforming experiences really separate the chaff from the wheat.

Finally, it doesn’t matter what kind of buzz you get out of eating. It will never be topped by the one you get out of taking control of your future. It is empowering on all levels. And you deserve no less.
There is a great track at Sulphur High, open to public, free. Sulphur residents can use the track and a couple of exercise bikes at SPAR for free. We’ve got The Grove and Kyle Street Park walking paths. Basketball and tennis courts at parks throughout the city. You’d have to close your eyes not to see the opportunities this City provides. So Sulphur, let’s get moving, huh?
If you want to chat, share a story idea with me or even holler (yell at me in all capital letters), drop me a line at hrwhite@sulphurdailynews.
Check out the story on the Sulphur News site here