Watch the 2016 Angel Award ceremony
This week, we inducted ten new Angels into our league of extraordinary people at the 2016 Angel Award ceremony.
On Monday evening, 400 guests gathered to officially recognize and award the 2016 class of Angels at the Renaissance Hotel in Baton Rouge. Among the special guests were Louisiana’s first lady Donna Edwards, who delivered the invocation and spoke with each of the Angel Honorees about their organizations.

“You are an inspiration to all of us, and I thank you for the work you do each day for our state’s children,” said the first lady before her invocation.
Michael Tipton, Foundation president, spoke about the common theme that defines the importance of each Angel’s work: everyday people doing extraordinary good. Said Tipton, “In our twenty five years of working to improve Louisiana, I stand here tonight to tell you definitely that we see clearly the secret behind the work you and many others do across our state. We know the magic ingredients in making a change that matters. It’s this – whoever you are, wherever you are, first you make a decision to help. Then you keep coming back and working to make things better. That’s what each and every one of you represents, and it is our privilege to tell your stories to the world.”
We know the magic ingredients in making a change that matters. It’s this – whoever you are, wherever you are, first you make a decision to help. Then you keep coming back and working to make things better. That’s what each and every one of you represents, and it is our privilege to tell your stories to the world.
Dr. Richard C. Atkins, Foundation board chair, added his praise, and spoke about the importance of joining the community of 175 past honorees known as Wings: “To the Angels who are joining us tonight, I want you to know that you are surrounded by a room full of supporters who are here to lift you up and lend their voices to your causes.”
If you haven’t met our 2016 Class of Angels, take a look.
Earlier on Monday, we hosted nearly 100 past Angel Honorees (“Wings”) and the annual Wings Brunch. Wings mingled with the 2016 Angel honorees, watched them receive their Angel pins, and spent time in fellowship – sharing wisdom, new ideas and hopes for the future of Louisiana’s children.
Our Wings also heard a presentation from Beverly Brooks Thompson, Chief Development Officer for Woman’s Hospital, on capital campaigns and fundraising.
As a staff, we look forward each year to celebrating the Angel Awards – it’s the most public expression of the work we do all year to build coalitions of everyday people working to improve the lives of Louisiana’s children. We deeply proud of each of our Angels and are grateful for the opportunity to share their stories.