I’m delighted to share with you this video profiling the Strong Neighborhood Project. Led by the United Way of Central Louisiana, this program is helping connect neighbors with each other to change life for the better in some of the poorest areas in and around Pineville, Louisiana. 

By connecting neighbors as resources to each other, the Strong Neighborhood Project is revitalizing a community and empowering its citizens to take charge of what’s happening in their back yards. Beyond connecting neighbors, the program offers health screenings, healthy food access, childhood development programs and much more. 

We talk often about our Foundation’s goal to help everyday people to do extraordinary good. Programs like the Strong Neighborhood Project, which bring that empowerment down to the block level, are demonstrating great promise at improving the health and lives of the people touched by the work. It is also a powerful example of the idea of communities deciding upon and taking collective action and the role that a central organization, in this case the United Way, can play in bringing together partners to achieve something bigger than any one organization could do on their own. 

The United Way of Central Louisiana, along with others, will present more about their work at next week’s United Way of Acadiana Annual Meeting and at our partner convening at the end of March. We hope you can join one or both to learn more and if your community is interested in pursuing something similar, we’d love to hear from you.

Take a look!

– Michael Tipton
President, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation
Head of Community Relations


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