“The Gardere Initiative, which has uplifted and supported its neighborhoods in every way imaginable since its inception in 2006, has continued to be one of Baton Rouge’s most awe-inspiring nonprofit organizations. This statement could not be true without the incomparable work of its Executive Director, Dr. Murelle Harrison.
The operations of the nonprofit organization flow through her in every way, shape, and form. Dr. Harrison’s utmost goal is the wellness and protection of children she serves in the community through all of the tireless work she provides in Gardere Initiative programs: after-school and weekend programs where kids get help with homework and have safe spaces to play; helping families get access to housing, food, and healthcare; and face-to-face counseling and mentoring that helps people determine their path and pursue it vigorously.
Most families in the Gardere area earn less than the Federal poverty line, and many are Latinx families without access to necessities. The Gardere Initiative does whatever is needed to help people get solid footing, particularly in the interest of providing their children with a better life. They help with job placement and teach ESL classes, and offer places where kids can learn and play while their parents are working.
The most important thing that Dr. Harrison and the Gardere Initiative do is create community. She’s not only brought in civic and church partners to support the area, but she also creates spaces where people can come together safely and joyously. She’s done all of this as a volunteer, never taking pay from the organization over her long tenure. Dr. Harrison serves from a sense of mission. She honors the humanity and dignity of every person she meets and is an inspiring force.”