Loren Carriere founded Hope for Opelousas, a ministry that works to actively empower a movement of hope grounded in the truth that love changes everything. Hope for Opelousas is focused on community development, educational support, neighborhood outreach and intentional, positive relationships.
Along with a staff of five and countless volunteers, Loren provides tutoring and mentorship to more than 75 students. Hope for Opelousas also trains young people in mentorship and responsibility through its Agents of Hope program – 10 high school students who work as paid interns to provide tutoring for younger kids while going through rigorous college and life skills preparation.
Hope for Opelousas is located in a hardworking, but low-income neighborhood in Opelousas. With volunteers and neighborhood families, Loren hopes to provide enrichment for young people that rewards hard work, provides unique life experiences and – most importantly – supports learning through fun.