Update: View Part 2 of our list here!

Since January, we’ve been sending a message each week. We’ve tried to keep a balance between stories about our grantee partners’ success, news about the Blue Cross Foundation, and some thoughts about the culture of nonprofit work.

Mostly, though, I saw (and still see) it as a way to stay connected and to open the lines of communication. An important lane of work for our Foundation is connecting people doing good work with opportunities and resources, and broadly sharing the lessons they learn to help others. This means making sure you can easily reach our team to start a conversation, shop an idea or even make connections with other funders.

I’m happy to share that some of these weekly messages have started many conversations about possible projects and partnerships, and many more have prompted invaluable feedback and connection. It’s been a great success – and that’s because of your willingness to engage.

Over the next few weeks I’m sharing the Top 10 of the year, based on feedback, number of shares/likes across platforms, etc. Maybe there are one or two you missed, but we hope a second chance to see them will spark new ideas or start a conversation.

We’ve learned so much from this effort, and know it will continue to evolve in the coming year. Thank you for letting us fill your inbox once a week. And thank you for all of your feedback, encouragement, questions, and conversation.

Happy Holidays,

Michael Tipton
President, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation
Head of Community Relations


Top 10, Part 1 (No. 10-6)


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